10 quotes you must read about encouragement

1. Everything in life is a choice, and every choice comes with the consequences ,think before you choose consequences.
2.Never let yourself another person's option. You are worth so much more.

3.life is a journey with no guarantee's all you can do is hold on for the ride and pray  you make it through the  rough spots!
4.If you made someone smile today you have accomplished something great.
5.what doesn't kill you ' makes you stronger . So get back up and keep going! .You are not the same person as you were yesterday ,You are stronger....
6.when the going gets tough , make yourself realize that no matter what problem is, some is and always will be fighting A harder battlen again. As you awake remind yourself that the future is not yet written . You have the ability to make it what you will.
8.A dream becomes a goal when action is taken towards its achievement .a goal without a plan is a wish.

9.You have to believe in yourself because when every body around you telling you negative things . Your gonna have to be the one to pick yourself up.
10.Never allow yourself to be defined by someone else's opinion of you......


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