Why my society is rude ?

I really can't understand why my society makes a vague image  when it really don't know the truth . Rumors are principals of this society  people who really don't have concern with a person sets an image laid by society and "JUDGE" him .
My society is rude , cruel and full of hatred . People gets jealous of ones success and happy with his failure . The most important thing is we should  be true to ourselves whether done any mistake, agree to it and forgive yourself . Your mind could not take the burden "JUST LET GO".
Actually each person thinks about themselves no matter what you worn on family's event , people really don't notice that or if noticed they will forget . A person do lots of mistakes in his life but that doesn't mean he should think about that very point of mistake . lessons transforms a person . Your family and friends advice or  comment on your faults and mistakes whereas the society just talk behind your back. Family, friends and society
Speak heart stabbing words , its our choice to swallow it or protest it . life never stops , time never stops  ,only the  opinions changes of people against you .
All the stuff I said above I don't give a f*@k !  . f@#k this society . life so short to live.  If I started thinking of the people whom I had broke hearts may be I'm going to ruin my life or go to depression . But I don't wanna live like this .
My society is emotionless where showing anger, sympathy ,love and respect is waste . People only judge you whether you really feel for them.  Life is a beautiful gift given by God to us we should use it properly but not thinking about the past and negative people . Just think about yourself ,whatever you want to do just do it now it's never to late to start from beginning .


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